Monday, September 9, 2013

Prayer Life

Do you have an active prayer life? do you wonder why you aren't growing? In Sunday school yesterday these were some of the questions we talked about... do you find that prayer isn't a joy filled experience but is a chore that you have to get done before you can go on with your day? then you ask God, "why am I not growing?" many of us are so focused on ourselves in our prayer life... "God help me to win this next soccer game, help me pass my tests, make me beautiful," me, me, me, me, me... we can always think of ourselves- right? here is a little acronym.
you can comment with definitions to these words, what they mean to you.
Adoration   ... What does adoration mean?
Confession... What does confession mean?
Thanksgiving... What does thanksgiving mean?
Supplication... What does supplication mean?

When we take the focus off ourselves and onto God we can grow; also if we aren't thinking about ourselves and what people think of us.  

if the focus is on me you won't grow...
If the focus is on me you will think about me. 

If the focus is on God, you will grow...
If the focus is on God you will think about God

Try praying using the ACTS acronym today... adore God, confess your sins, give thanks to God, present your requests before the Lord. 

A. You are holy God, you are all powerful.
C. I am sorry for focusing more on me than on you. 
T. Thank you for this blog where I can share things that you are teaching me. me to be a witness and shining light for you. 

In Christ, Susannah Baffa

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